Soldat Mod Changer
© by Carsten Engelke
alias Stiller
[click here] Soldat Mod Changer v1.2.1
this little tool was created to make the use of
modifications easier in Soldat.
can simply change between modifications, or the original game, since Soldat allows only file-exchanging for mods.
Just copy this into
any Folder you want.
Then run 'Mod
If you use an
earlier version of Soldat Mod Changer, first
deactivate the mod before working with this
one. Else Soldat may have to be reinstalled, because some files might
get deleted.
[How to use]
When you start SMC
(Soldat Mod Changer) the first time, you should be
asked where Soldat lies.
Enter the correct
Folder and you will be brought to the main menu window
Her we have got 2 options
Activate Modification
Deactivate Modification
there should be a text like 'modifications deactivated'.
Now, when you click
on 'Activate Modification' there should pop up a window asking you for the
Directory, where the
modification lies in.
IMPORTANT!!!!! The files in the mod have to be in the
correct Folder. meaning if you have modded
e.g., there must be a folder called 'Weapons-Gfx' and
inside the graphics. Soundeffects
must be in a
different folder ('Sfx').
Now SMC scans the
directory for sub-directories and creates a list of all files inside the
This list is called
Mod-file or 'Soldat Modification Format' - file (.smf)
Of course your mod
needs a name, so when SMC is ready, he will ask you for the name.
After you entered
the mod's name, SMC automatically changes out the
original files with the files
by your modification. To not loose the original files, SMC renames them to 'originalname_old'.
So do not delete
the '_old' files that now should be all around your soldat
If you want to stop
using your modification, just click on 'Deactivate modification' and everything
be made undone.
Important for this
is the 'settings.txt' in SMC-folder. NEVER change any Settings.
This version of SMC
is fully compatible with old .smf-files.
But remember to
first deactivate the mod before working with this one.
i will work on the design
and offer new options later. got no time.
[click here] the famous LOL
Mod. First chance to try out the SMC
[click here] SOLDAT official